Winter White Cosmopolitan #christmas #drink

This Season Color Cosmopolitan came active at the proposition of a order; she had wondered if I had e'er had one at the Malacopterygian Restaurant; a series edifice that is highly regarded by the people I eff that prevailing it the most. I had not; but my welfare was piqued and a fast investigate institute several websites with a recipe and one that straight had a Bonefish Restaurant mixologist leaves comments most the updated cocktail (now served with a infinitesimal amount of St. Germain liqueur).

Ingredients :
  • 1 Tbsp St. Germaine Elderflower Liqueur
  • ½ oz Fresh Lime Juice
  • ½ oz Simple Syrup
  • 1.5 oz White Cranberry juice
  • 1.5 oz Vodka (I used Cranberry Vodka but plain is fine)
  • .75 oz Cointreau

For Garnish:
  • 3 to 4 Frozen or Sugared Cranberries
  • Mint

Instructions  :
  1. Pool ingredients over ice in shaker tin. Handclasp & afflict into chilled martini spyglass. Grace with frozen or sugary cranberries and a sprig of mint.